Poison Frog


Info 12 ke  HD / Color / Stereo
Director KO Jeong-uk
Country Korea
Release 2011
Running Time 31 Min
Category Short / Fiction
Code Theater Time
240 LOTTE CINEMA Bucheon 1 07/21  17:00
725 LOTTE CINEMA Bucheon 1 07/26  14:00
1008 LOTTE CINEMA Bucheon 1 07/29  11:00

Sergeant Jung and his crew capture South Korean soldiers Han Gyu and Yeong Bok. Without knowing their identity, the crew continues the journey with two POWs.

Director : KO Jeong-uk

Born in 1975, he studied Film at Seoul Institute of the Arts. He has worked in many feature film projects taking the roles of Scripter to Assistant Director, but Poison Frog is his first directorial film.